This is a posable action figure of a character from science-fiction/anime. This set features the VF-31J Siegfried, as piloted by Hayate Immelmann in "Macross Delta," together with a figure of Freyja Wion! The Siegfried can transform into all three of its forms, and it comes with accessories and a stand for display. The mini figure of Freyja is incredibly cute, and it'll make you smile every time you see it!
Product Specifications
- A fun session with characters and mecha in various ways ♪ If you use joint parts for characters, you can stand on a pedestal. It is also possible to decorate it as if you were riding in the cockpit part with the joint parts for the character. If you use replaceable replacement large hand parts and character joint parts, you can put it on Valkyrie's palm.
- Comes with a pedestal and joint parts that can be displayed in three forms. The connection with the aircraft is easy with a simple pin insertion and removal!
- Figure Size: Siegfried is approximately 10cm tall in Battroid form; Freyja is about 3cm tall.
- Materials: PVC, ABS
Length : 6,4 cm |
Width : 10,2 cm |
Height : 9,9 cm |