Premiering in 2007, Bakugan: Battle Brawlers is a smash-hit anime series focusing on the lives of creatures called Bakugan and the "battle brawlers" who possess them. Followed by three further seasons (New Vestroia, Gundalian Invaders, and Mechtanium Surge), Bakugan is one of the most beloved anime franchises of all time. Well now you too can call yourself a "battle brawler", courtesy of Funko's new Bakugan Pop! Vinyl Figures!
Featured in this wave are all your favourites from the original series, including all three battle brawlers; Dan Kuso, Shun Kazami and Runo Misaki. However they haven't come alone, no they're of course joined by their respective Bakugan creatures; Drago, Storm Skyress and Tigerra.
Now that's the standard wave, however what we have here is the Exclusive Ajit and Pharol Pop! Vinyl Figure 2-Pack!
With stunning attention to detail, particularly on the Bakugan creatures, these new Pop! Vinyls are an absolute must for any true fan of the series. Help join the fight for Vestoria by adding them all to your Funko collection today.
Product Specifications
- Premiering in 2007, Bakugan: Battle Brawlers is a smash-hit anime series focusing on the lives of creatures called Bakugan and the "battle brawlers" who possess them. Followed by three further seasons (New Vestroia, Gundalian Invaders, and Mechtanium Surge), Bakugan is one of the most beloved anime franchises of all time. Well now you too can call yourself a "battle brawler", courtesy of Funko's new Bakugan Pop! Vinyl Figures!
- Featured in this wave are all your favourites from the original series, including all three battle brawlers; Dan Kuso, Shun Kazami and Runo Misaki. However they haven't come alone, no they're of course joined by their respective Bakugan creatures; Drago, Storm Skyress and Tigerra.
- Now that's the standard wave, however what we have here is the Exclusive Ajit & Pharol Pop! Vinyl Figure 2-Pack!
- With stunning attention to detail, particularly on the Bakugan creatures, these new Pop! Vinyls are an absolute must for any true fan of the series. Help join the fight for Vestoria by adding them all to your Funko collection today.
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