Winston, the brilliant genetically engineered gorilla from Blizzard Entertainments Overwatch, inspires the world with his heroism and might. Bring Winston to life with this IncrediBuilds 3D wood replica kit, and join the battle to defend against the omnic threat. This set includes an exclusive Winston poster, laser-cut FSC® wood sheets with easy-to-assemble pieces, and step-by-step instructions.
Product Specifications
- Winston, the brilliant genetically engineered gorilla from Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch, inspires the world with his heroism and might.
- Bring Winston to life with this IncrediBuilds 3D wood replica kit, and join the battle to defend against the omnic threat.
- This set includes an exclusive Winston poster, laser-cut FSC wood sheets with easy-to-assemble pieces, and step-by-step instructions.
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